Services & Facilities

The SwissCAT+ East facilities have several robotic platforms to automate the synthesis of catalysts according to state-​​of-​the-art methodologies, high-​​throughput batch and fixed-​​bed reactors to evaluate their performances under various conditions, and a range of characterization tools allowing to correlate performances to structural properties.

We combine those tools with advanced AI/ML algorithms, such as external page Atinary SDLabs Bayesian Optimizer or in-house developed codes, to design experiments and accelerate the discovery and optimization of catalysts formulation and/or process conditions.

You can find more information about our equipment capabilities in the corresponding webpages:

If you have never worked with us before, please contact us at , we will set a meeting to discuss your need, introduce our services and explain the typical project process in more details. You can find more details about our currently approved hourly price for each equipment here.

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